function ShowSignupForm(emailSettings) { if (emailSettings) { document.write('
') document.write('') document.write('') document.write('') document.write('') document.write('') document.write('') document.write('') document.write('') document.write(''); document.write('') document.write('
First Name:
Last Name:
  Yes, I would like to receive promotions and other information about travel from ' + emailSettings['name'] + '
 '); document.write('Company Contact Information:
'); document.write(emailSettings['name'] + '
'); document.write(emailSettings['address'] + '
'); document.write(emailSettings['phone'] + '
'); document.write(emailSettings['email'] + '
'); document.write(emailSettings['url'] + '
'); document.write('You can unsubscribe at any time by visiting this page.
'); document.write('
') } else { document.write('An error occurred creating this signup form.') } } function SubmitSignupForm() { var frm, distCode, distId, emailAddr, url, firstname, lastname var Address1, City, StateProvince, PostalCode firstname = "" lastname = "" Address1= "" City="" StateProvince="" PostalCode="" frm = document.forms.signupform distCode = frm.DistributorCode.value emailAddr = frm.emailaddr.value extOwnerId = frm.extOwnerId.value if(typeof(frm.firstname) != 'undefined') firstname = "&firstname=" + frm.firstname.value if(typeof(frm.lastname) != 'undefined') lastname = "&lastname=" + frm.lastname.value if(typeof(frm.Address1) != 'undefined') Address1 = "&Address1=" + frm.Address1.value if(typeof(frm.City) != 'undefined') City = "&City=" + frm.City.value if(typeof(frm.StateProvince) != 'undefined') StateProvince = "&StateProvince=" + frm.StateProvince.value if(typeof(frm.PostalCode) != 'undefined') PostalCode = "&PostalCode=" + frm.PostalCode.value if(typeof(frm.Confirm) != 'undefined') PostalCode = "&Confirm=" + frm.Confirm.value url = '' + distCode + "&ExtOwnerId=" + extOwnerId + "&emailaddr=" + emailAddr + firstname + lastname + Address1 + City + StateProvince + PostalCode,'emailsignup','width=450,height=300') }